Suck up in style at the end of term!
It’s the end of term and teachers everywhere are being borne off on stretchers to health spas, hospitals and mental asylums.
Forget the flagons of wine and bottles and bubble bath. Suck up in style with a gift that’ll raise their sagging spirits every single day.
My off-the-peg prints (below) are selling faster than hot potatoes in the school canteen…but if you’d prefer a personalised portrait featuring your very own teacher then get in touch pronto and I’ll get my pens out.
Off-the-peg portraits as seen below printed on textured watercolour paper (A4) £29
Off-the-peg framed portraits £49
Personalised portraits featuring your very own teacher, pushy parent, class swot, school bully, sports mascot (etc…) Prices start at £69