Built a business but not made your first billion yet? Order some SG merchandise and get fast-tracked to the Forbes List!

Forget those googly-eyed pom-pom bugs we used to stick to our Amstrads, today it’s all about jaw-dropping branding that will win you instant fame and fortune.

Scroll down to see some samples, place an order, then sit back and reap the rewards.



This girl can! And she did! After a creative collaboration with the team at Promote PR, this eye-catching calendar now adorns ladies locker rooms up and down the land.

“Sport without women isn’t sport at all” admitted Daley Thompson to me once after a game of squash. Too true Daley, too true. http://www.promotepr.com


Supermodels were agog at the recent launch of my new fashion label. Designed exclusively for Berkshire’s top swim school Let’s Dive In, this piece of poolside couture has made a splash on catwalks all over the world. http://www.letsdivein.co.uk


Say bye-bye to your Burberry bag and start strolling around with one of these nifty totes. Designed for Robinson Estate Agents, they’re free with every property purchase.

It’s worth putting your home on the market just to get your hands on one.



The first day in a new job is always nerve-wracking, with staff queuing up to give you a bogwash or a Chinese burn when the Boss isn’t looking. But the recruitment heroes at Asset Resourcing only match their candidates with kindly companies. Then they show they really care by posting this comforting card on day 1.




Wearing a shiny complexion and T-shirt that’s clearly been dragged from the bottom of the ironing pile, here I am with Eddie Robinson and the infamous mug that transported him from local estate agent to Property Superstar in a matter of seconds.  No wonder he’s looking shell-shocked!

Little did he know that a bit of bone china could hold such power. Now it’s the drinking vessel of choice for everyone who is anyone, and apparently HRH the Queen refuses to slurp her morning cup of Tetley from anything else.
