Click on the videos below and draw-along with me. Ill show you how to get a great likeness – in just a few strokes of your pen!
Follow me on social media And YouTube as I’ll be releasing more vids very soon.
Want to create some Art for the Park yourself? Then scroll down for more details. I’d LOVE to see your work.
These PARK LIFE videos were inspired by a local campaign that has global ramifications:
In the heart of our town lies 200 acres of leafy loveliness. It is currently home to Maidenhead Golf Course.
The council took one look at all the trees, wildlife and waving grasses and had the whacky idea of using the site to build 2000 new homes.
The rest of us want it saved as a Great Park for everyone to enjoy.
If you live in Maidenhead or Windsor, please click on the link below and sign our petition, follow us on social media and support us in any way you can. In return you can have beauty, birdsong and more badgers than you can shake a stick at!
If you’d like to create some Art for the Park – please scroll through the 3 competition posters below. Thank you for taking part – Maidenhead needs your masterpiece!